Learn about Keratosis Pilaris, its causes, symptoms, and treatment options.
Skin disorders are common in people. Keratosis Pilaris or KP is one such hereditary condition a large group of people suffers from. The benign condition manifests in the form of rough, small, keratotic papules. Many people refer to the condition as chicken bumps.
KP usually develops on the buttocks, arms, and legs. Although the condition is harmless, it may cause itching and dryness on your skin. Using KP products like KP body wash and KP exfoliating body lotions can be really effective. The ultra-lathering body lotions come with the goodness of salicylic acids and glycolic acids to help you reduce symptoms of KP, uneven skin tone, and body acne.
If you have Keratosis Pilaris symptoms, reading this article can help you treat the condition.
What is Keratosis Pilaris

As mentioned above, Keratosis Pilaris or KP is a common benign condition of the skin. It looks like tiny bumps. People with KP notice small painless bumps on their skin, particularly around their hair follicles. The bumps may be of skin color, but they can be of white, brown, or red color in severe condition. Because of the goose-bump appearance, many people call KP “chicken skin.”
Note that you are most likely to develop Keratosis Pilaris if your family has a history of asthma, eczema, and allergies. However, approximately 80 percent of people (mostly teenagers) develop KP at some point in their life. The bumps typically appear in the upper arms, legs, buttocks, and cheeks.
Causes of Keratosis Pilaris
The tiny bumps that develop in Keratosis Pilaris are an accumulation of dead skin cells. They usually appear when these skin cells don’t flake off and block or clog the pores. These pores are open in the skin for the hair follicles to pass through them.
Healthcare providers are still researching the fact that why KP affects some people. Genetic factor, in this regard, has a huge role to play. According to dermatologists, people with the following conditions can develop KP;
- dry skin
- ichthyosis
- Celtic ancestry
- eczema
- obesity
- hay fever
- children or teenagers
Symptoms of Keratosis Pilaris
The appearance of discolored bumps on the skin is one of the common symptoms of KP. However, many people confuse pimples with Keratosis Pilaris. Some common signs of KP may include;
- Dry or itchy skin on the back of upper arm and legs
- Roughness like sandpaper where tiny bump appears
- Irritation causing bumps to be more noticeable and red
- Worsening of the condition during winters
Treatment of Keratosis Pilaris
The bumps can cause irritation and itching, which may interfere with your daily activities. That is why you should consider treating the skin condition with premium- quality KP exfoliating body wash and other keratosis pilaris products. The treatment can help you alleviate symptoms.
It works as a dermatological treatment. The moisturizing lotions and KP body wash soothe dry and itchy skin. This topical treatment is great to eliminate dead skin cells and prevent pores from clogging. You could also consider using glycolic acid pads for gentle cleaning and exfoliation of sensitive skin areas.
Summing Up
In a nutshell, Keratosis Pilaris is a harmless skin disorder. Using the best products for keratosis pilaris like KP exfoliating body washes and lotions are great to reduce the effects.